How is diminished ovarian reserve treated?
Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) is a condition in which the ovary loses its normal reproductive potential. It may result from disease or injury, but most commonly occurs as a result of normal aging.
What causes DOR?
- Cigarette smoking
- Genetic abnormalities (Fragile X and other X chromosome abnormalities)
- Aggressive treatments (radiation for cancer)
- Ovarian surgery, such as endometriosis
- Idiopathic (this means that there is no apparent cause)
What are the symptoms of DOR?
Most women exhibit no signs or symptoms of DOR. As the condition progresses over time, women may notice a shortening of the menstrual rhythm (e.g. 28-day cycles reduced to 24 days). Once menopause is imminent, women may notice signs of low estrogen such as hot flashes, trouble sleeping, missed menstrual periods, and vaginal dryness.
How is DOR diagnosed?
- with blood tests obtained on the second or third day of the menstrual cycle to measure the hormones FSH and Estradiol.
- with AMH (anti-Mullerian Hormone) blood test that generally reflects the number of eggs in the body.
How is DOR treated?
Presently, no treatments exist that can slow down or prevent ovarian aging.
We at BioTexCom suggest those options in the case of DOR:
- IVF with own eggs
- cryopreservation of embryos for a patient’s future use
- IVF with donor eggs
Please contact us at eggdonation@biotexcom.com for more information.