Babies of BioTexCom are safe!

52 babies were born at Biotexcom during the first month of the War, 27 of them have already been successfully taken home by their parents. All newborns are in the safe place and under the 24-hour care of professional nurses and doctors.
The War goes on, however the Life goes on as well at any cost.
Brave surrogate mothers of BioTexCom go on giving birth to dozens of desirable babies, whose parents long for them from different countries all over the world.
All newborns are safe and receive everything necessary for a normal fulfilling life.
The professional nannies of BioTexCom cherish and take care of the babies day and night, giving them all their love and warmth. The babies are under constant observation of our devoted doctors and medical staff.
Working without cease, the managers of BioTexCom, do everything possible to gather and draw up all the necessary documents.
Many children have already been taken home by their parents.
No matter what, the BioTexCom team continues to work, and make utmost efforts to ensure all babies meet their parents as soon as possible.