• DNA Testing for Maternity and Paternity

    DNA Testing for Maternity and Paternity

    Surrogacy is a process whereby a woman delivers the child for another couple. Couples who have sought surrogacy are sometimes called the “social parents”, “intended parents” or the “commissioning parents”. In some cases donor sperm and eggs are used whilst in other cases the commissioning parents would use their own. Depending on the context, couplesRead more

  • Difference between Egg Donation and Surrogacy

    Difference between Egg Donation and Surrogacy

    When a couple decides that it is the right time for them to start a family, not being able to conceive can be traumatic for them. After realizing that there is a problem, they need to look for the right diagnosis andRead more

  • Demographic and Lifestyle Factors Influence Who Receives a Medical Evaluation for Infertility and Who Does Not

    Demographic and Lifestyle Factors Influence Who Receives a Medical Evaluation for Infertility and Who Does Not

    Boston researchers conducting a prospective cohort study found that women who already had children, who were older, current smokers, or had a higher BMI were less likely to report having a medical evaluation for infertility than younger, slimmer, non-smoking, childless women. Using data from the Nurses’ Health Study II, researchers at Harvard’s TH Chan SchoolRead more

  • Criticism is the first sign of success!

    Criticism is the first sign of success!

    Day after day, more and more articles about Clinic of Reproductive Medicine BioTexCom can be seen in the international mass media. And these writings, of course, are not only positive but critical ones as well. Well, this condition cannot be dispensed with. Using the World Wide Web one can find statements that Ukrainian clinic developsRead more

  • Covid-19 pandemic: “Relations within the surrogacy industry are revealed”

    Covid-19 pandemic: “Relations within the surrogacy industry are revealed”

    “Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, many media outlets have started to report on the situation in which several French couples participating in the surrogacy program abroad found themselves.” Sophie and her husband explain that they are “locked in France” and “are not able to be present during their surrogate mother delivery in Ukraine.”Read more

  • Contraceptive pill linked to lower risk of ovarian cancer

    Contraceptive pill linked to lower risk of ovarian cancer

    Taking contraceptives that contain a low dose of oestrogen has been linked to a reduced rate of ovarian cancer, in a study of almost two million women.Read more

  • Christie Vetoes Commercial Surrogacy Bill

    Christie Vetoes Commercial Surrogacy Bill

    I believe IVF should be much more tightly regulated–which depicts the current status of “regulated” very loosely, as there are few rules governing the industry.  I wrote a bit ago against NJ legislation that would have opened the door to commercial womb renting.  Apparently Gov. Christie reads this blog–: )–because he vetoed the bill.  From the Star Ledger story:Read more

  • Chinese scientists have grown artificial sperm

    Chinese scientists have grown artificial sperm

    In China, scientists have grown sperm in the laboratory. Male germ cells were created in the artificial conditions by means of which mice were subsequently inseminated. The experiment was successful and there was brought ultimately healthy offspring. Spermatids were managed to grow from the stem cell by research team, led by Xiao-Yang Zhao. They hoistedRead more

  • Chinese medicine technique may offer some relief in perimenopause

    Chinese medicine technique may offer some relief in perimenopause

    A Chinese medicine technique using a smooth-edged instrument to scrape or rub certain areas of the body may relieve troublesome symptoms women experience in the years leading up to menopause, according to a new study. Perimenopause can begin eight to 10 years before menopause, as estrogen levels fluctuate and start declining but menstrual cycles continue.Read more

  • China’s Population Stalls With Births in 2021 the Lowest in Modern History

    China’s Population Stalls With Births in 2021 the Lowest in Modern History

    The number of newborns fell for a fifth straight year, to 10.62 million, barely outnumbering deathsRead more