Argentine couple finally meet son born to surrogate mother
In Ukraine, efforts are continuing to unite newborn babies born to surrogate mothers with their biological parents.Read more
In Ukraine, efforts are continuing to unite newborn babies born to surrogate mothers with their biological parents.Read more
Almost all highly developed countries faced a decline of the birth rate. Depopulation has seriously affected countries that occupy a leading position in the world economy.Read more
Hi everybody. Andreas and Maria are here, in quarantine in Kiev. We have been asked by Biotexcom to describe a little around the process of getting in Kiev in these times, with the documentation and flights … Yes, how we got here actually… Yes, we know a lot of you are sitting at homeRead more
Veronika Siegl (University of Bern) AbstractRead more
An Extract of the Program “Questions a la Une”: Surrogate MothersRead more
The husband and wife from the USA who became happy parents at once of two couple of twins in the last years don’t plan to have more children for obvious reasons in the nearest future. The remained embryos received after IVF procedure they decided to give away to one childless couple. Thanks to the extracorporalRead more
More and more couples around the world face the problem of infertility. Including in Romania. Oleh, a top manager at the Biotexcom Center for Human Reproduction, and Olha, a top manager of the Romanian department, agreed to meet with us today and discuss issues such as IVF features, egg donation and, in particular, surrogacy.Read more
From Kim Kardashian and Kanye West to Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra…Read more
Adoption of institutionalized child or woman who agrees to give birth to your child. These are two variants infertile couples (or those who want to have children, but, for whatever reason, cannot do it naturally) think about in order to have a family. Surrogacy strongly hard the heels of adoption. How comes it? Let us get all this straightenedRead more
Acupuncture, alone or with the medication clomiphene, does not appear to be effective in treating infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), according to an international team of researchers. The finding casts doubts on previous smaller trials that have suggested that acupuncture may improve reproductive function in women affected by infertility.Read more