How surrogacy at BiotexCom changed the life of a married couple from Brazil
What about Camila and Adriano? Their tears on the discharge of their baby girl touched us to the deep inside.Read more
What about Camila and Adriano? Their tears on the discharge of their baby girl touched us to the deep inside.Read more
What to do if the dream about the child remains unfulfilled? Can you give up a dream about children? Or do you prefer to outsmart destiny? Melanie opts for surrogacy in Ukraine. Read more
Albert Tochilovsky, the owner of Biotexcom center for human reproduction, told about designer babies, body rejuvenation, bearing children in an “artificial uterus”, moral and ethical issues of reproductive medicine, and harassment by authorities.Read more
Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) is a condition in which the ovary loses its normal reproductive potential. It may result from disease or injury, but most commonly occurs as a result of normal aging.Read more
Sperm motility is the ability of sperm to move efficiently. This is important in fertility because sperm need to move through the woman’s reproductive tract to reach and fertilize her egg. Poor sperm motility can be a cause of male factor infertility.Read more
There are many reasons for the cause of infertility. And sometimes the reasons are unknown. When a body does not react to any of the medical interventions, then the couple would opt for the help of an infertility center. One of the most opted treatments for infertility is IVF. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is anRead more
Women from a poor demographic have become an increasing interest in the multi-billion dollar surrogate industry, with most mothers being forced or coerced into volunteering as a surrogate. “Surrogacy depends in many cases on the exploitation of poor women, because it’s the poor who have to sell and the rich that can afford to buy,”Read more
Babies born to mothers with cardiometabolic risk factors were less likely to develop high blood pressure if their mothers had higher levels of folate during pregnancy.Read more
BioTexCom clinic treats patients who come to Ukraine from all over the world to make their dream of a child a reality with the help of surrogacy.Read more
Carolyn Savage knows more than most about the moral and ethical quandaries of in-vitro fertilization. An IVF clinic mistake left her impregnated with another couple’s child; she carried that child to term and gave him up to his biological parents, knowing that would have to be her last pregnancy for medical reasons. Later, she became the mother of twinsRead more