• Grant will enable infertility research

    Grant will enable infertility research

    University of Otago physiology researcher Dr Rebecca Campbell has welcomed as ”wonderful” a new Health Research Council project grant which will enable her to continue cutting-edge research involving female infertility. Dr Campbell, a senior lecturer in physiology, has been awarded a $910,114 project grant in the HRC’s latest funding round, to continue research on theRead more

  • Glow confronts male infertility in reproduction app

    Glow confronts male infertility in reproduction app

    Fertility app developer Glow turned its attention to men with a new app section that confronts issues relevant to this audience.  But will it lead to more men taking an active role in addressing this sensitive issue? The smartphone app helps users log daily activities and lifestyle information, then analyzes the data to give menRead more

  • Giving birth at 70 years old, unreasonable assisted reproductive technology!

    Giving birth at 70 years old, unreasonable assisted reproductive technology!

    Daljinder Kaur, a 70-year old Indian woman, has just given birth to her first child who was conceived in-vitro by IVF with egg donation from a fertility clinic. The mother purportedly declared: « When we saw the IVF advert, we thought we should also give it a try as I badly wanted to have aRead more

  • Getting pregnant isn’t easy. Young people should at least be taught this

    Getting pregnant isn’t easy. Young people should at least be taught this

    Sex education shouldn’t be about scaremongering, but it must acknowledge that many couples have problems conceiving How easy is it to get pregnant? Judging by the scaremongering sex education I received,Read more

  • Gestational Surrogacy Books to Add to Your Library

    Gestational Surrogacy Books to Add to Your Library

    For many parents-to-be, reading is an important part of nesting. This sentiment rings even louder for many Intended Parents considering Gestational Surrogacy as the answer to creating the family of their dreams.Read more

  • Georgia May Foote worried about Katy’s surrogacy decision

    Georgia May Foote worried about Katy’s surrogacy decision

    Georgia May Foote doesn’t think her ‘Coronation Street’ character Katy Armstrong has thought through her offer to become a surrogate for her sister and believes it is a “spur of the moment” decision. Georgia May Foote doesn’t think her ‘Coronation Street’ character Katy Armstrong has thought through her offer to become a surrogate for herRead more

  • Gene mutation may be linked to unexplained female infertility

    Gene mutation may be linked to unexplained female infertility

    Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital and Rice University have uncovered a gene mutation that may provide answers to unexplained female infertility. The study appears in Scientific Reports, a member of the Nature family of journals. “Experts cannot identify the cause of the problem in an estimated 10 to 15 percent ofRead more

  • Gene crucial to sperm cell production revealed

    Gene crucial to sperm cell production revealed

    In mice, the Cdc42 gene is necessary for the correct polarity of Sertoli cells that support sperm production, according to a new study. Findings may accelerate efforts to create a non-invasive diagnostic test for early detection of male infertility.Read more

  • Gene Crucial For Embryo Implantation Discovered; May Offer Important Insight Into Variety Of Infertility Issues

    Gene Crucial For Embryo Implantation Discovered; May Offer Important Insight Into Variety Of Infertility Issues

    It is estimated that infertility affects 6.1 million American couples of childbearing age. For many of these couples, the cause of their infertility remains unclear. On a global level, infertility is believed to affect around nine percent of the female population. A recent discovery of a very small but very important molecule may offer aRead more

  • Future Mothers! Look Before Your Leap!

    Future Mothers! Look Before Your Leap!

    7 things that are strictlyprohibitedfor future mothers. Every woman who gets to know happy news that she is pregnant and soon will give birth to the long-awaited baby, of course, wants him to healthy and without any deviations. Therefore, during 9 months, all pregnant women should adhere to certain rules. In particular, there are thingsRead more