Ukraine reopens its borders
Ukraine is one again, for a second time, reopening borders on September 28, 2020.Read more
Ukraine is one again, for a second time, reopening borders on September 28, 2020.Read more
Albert Tochilovsky, the owner of Biotexcom center for human reproduction, told about designer babies, body rejuvenation, bearing children in an “artificial uterus”, moral and ethical issues of reproductive medicine, and harassment by authorities.Read more
Dear clients, we are forced to announce that due to the spreading of the coronavirus all the borders in Ukraine are closed till the 3rd of April, which means that:Read more
After India and Thailand have banned reproductive services for foreigners, infertile couples from all over the world massively come to Ukraine.Read more
Surrogate motherhood, which is so popular around the world, does not come by Great Britain. Law and legality are the main components of this issue. Because born child, regardless of the method, is to be registered. In 1985 British law stated that legal mother of the child is considered to be a woman who carriedRead more
A British couple from north London who lived in Ukraine for seven weeks to have a surrogate baby have managed to return home after securing emergency travel documents for their son.Read more
Recently, many articles and reports about an American surrogate mother and a Chinese child born to her have been published on the Internet:Read more
Ukraine is a surrogacy friendly state unlike most countries of the world where surrogacy and egg donation are banned according to the law. In Ukraine, medical programs with the use of assisted methods or reproductive medicine are conducted legally and regulated by the Family code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine “Basis of legislation of UkraineRead more
This lovely couple from the UK has finally become parents of adorable twins, Aleah and Eli. It took them 12 years of infertility,Read more
Scientists in London have been granted permission to edit the genomes of human embryos for research, UK fertility regulatorsannounced. The 1 February approval by the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) represents the world’s first endorsement of such research by a national regulatory authority. “It’s an important first. The HFEA has been a very thoughtful,Read more