American spouses gave their 6 frozen embryos to one childless couple
The husband and wife from the USA who became happy parents at once of two couple of twins in the last years don’t plan to have more children for obvious reasons in the nearest future. The remained embryos received after IVF procedure they decided to give away to one childless couple.
Thanks to the extracorporal fertilization procedure the spouses Angel and Jeff Watts a few years ago could feel twice the pleasure of paternity and motherhood – now they raise two couple of twins.
At once some embryos received after the IVF procedure remained unused and all this time 6 germs were stored in the liquid nitrogen in one of the reproductive clinics in the state of Tennessee.
It is known, that germs in the age of several days can be stored in the frozen state for many years – however Angel and Jeff , raising already 4 children decided to transfer them to those people who need them much more.
With the help of Facebook network they found the most suitable candidates for such an unusual gift. 27 years old Rayn and Richard Galloway became these happy parents.
“It is the real stroke of luck. I with my husband tried to conceive the child for 4 unsuccessfully years, and recently the doctors informed us that both of us have serious problems with health interfering to do it”, – Rayn Galloway tells.
Two married couples came to the consent on the fact that after the children’s birth their biological parents Angel and Jeff will be able to see kids from time to time. It won’t be difficult as Ryan and Richard live in only several kilometers from a family Watts – the place of residence played also an important role for their victory in this “competition”