How to cope with the stress of IVF
There is so much you can do to minimize the stress you experience throughout the process. There may be some difficult days, but it is possible to go through IVF feeling comfortable and hopeful.
1. Choose your IVF treatment team carefully
A good IVF experience begins long before the first dose of fertility medication or the first procedure. When you are looking for a fertility clinic, start with some basic research. When you visit, see how comfortable you feel with the whole team. Good communication is one of the most important factors here: do you feel comfortable asking questions? Are the answers clear, and does the team take the time to make sure you understand the information?
2. Educate yourself
Knowledge is empowering. Learn as much information as you can about the IVF process and be fully informed. Knowing what to expect at every stage can do wonders for your anxiety. Ask your medical team as many questions as possible to alleviate doubt or fears: don’t worry in silence.
3.Map out financial costs of various treatments and cycles before beginning treatment
Dealing with the financial side of IVF before you begin is so important. Consider if you have the option of undergoing another cycle or treatment if the first one is not successful. It will be much easier to make a healthy, considered decision now instead of at a time when you may be dealing with severe disappointment. That’s why Biotexcom clinic offers a wide range of fertility treatment contracts with 2 or even 5 attempts for the price.(our contracts – www.biotexcom.com/services)
4.Anticipate decisions and prepare for decision-making
Being ready to deal with difficult decisions goes beyond the financial realm. Anticipate potential problems down the road and think about how you will approach them now.
5.Find a mental health professional that specializes in fertility issues and/or join an IVF support group
Having a time and space that is exclusively devoted to working through the emotional experience of IVF can be transformative. This type of expert, completely non-judgmental support can help you work through your emotions, lift you up when you are feeling discouraged, and offer much-needed reassurance as you move through IVF.
6.Discover stress management techniques
Yoga, meditation, mind-body practices, breathing techniques and massage are all highly effective ways to reduce and release stress and build resilience as you go through IVF.
An absorbing hobby can provide a welcome escape from the realities of life and IVF. Putting aside time to be creative and have fun is so important.
7.Seek out supportive family members or friends and rely on them for emotional support
Give your loved ones the chance to help you through this experience. It is important for you to feel understood and supported by the people close to you.
8.Work together with your partner
Communication is vital, and so are boundaries. Schedule time to talk about IVF and times to NOT talk about IVF. Both are equally important. IVF can feel all-consuming, and you both need a break occasionally. On the other hand, not setting aside time to talk about IVF can mean that important things are left unsaid.
Decide beforehand what your hopes and expectations of each other will be. Do you want to be together at all appointments, on the day of the pregnancy test, or when expecting a call from the doctor?
Couples counseling might be a good option. No matter how solid and strong your relationship may be, IVF it hard on couples. It is a safe space where you can both be supported, where you can be honest and open about what you are experiencing.
Date nights are a valuable way to reconnect with each other as a couple, away from the stress of fertility treatment. Make a commitment to go somewhere special, experience something new together, and appreciate each other as individuals.
9.Keep all other areas of your life as simple as possible
IVF can seem like another full time job, and with its emotional and physical demands you are unlikely to have a lot of energy left to spare for other projects. This is not the time to move, commit to big undertakings at work, or find a new job. Give yourself space to breathe.
Make sure to arrange time off or changes in your work schedule beforehand. Negotiating an afternoon to head to the clinic on short notice can be fraught. Eliminate this source of stress by planning ahead with your employer.