Donor eggs save infertile people
Donor eggs use is extremely popular in modern reproductive medicine. The first pregnancy with the use of donor eggs was obtained in 1984. Since that time just in the U.S.A more than fifty thousand children were born after the application of this method. Donor eggs are used in more than 10% of all assisted reproductive technology cycles. Cases when use of donor eggs is a perfect solution for infertility treatment are:
- absence of eggs due to natural menopause, premature ovarian failure syndrome, condition after ovaries removal, radio- or chemotherapy, as well as developmental abnormalities;
- functional deficiency of women egg cells with genetic disorders that can be run in the blood;
- inefficiency of several prior attempts of standard IVF, with repeatedly getting poor quality embryos, transfer of which does not result in pregnancy.
BioTexCom medical center has a powerful database of donors which were carefully tested. One can choose a donor who will perfectly meet all requirement and wishes of patient.