Europe in Ukraine – why foreigners go to the third world country for artificial insemination?
Only a short time ago, Ukraine, state in the Eastern Europe, was unknown and sometimes even alarming for residents of European countries. Euro 2012 football championship matches that were held in Ukraine have lifted the veil a little and shown the world Ukrainian hospitality, beauty of cities and friendliness of local people. Modern reproductive medicine, in particular surrogacy and egg donation, is an additional factor attracting foreigners in Ukraine.
Infertility has been gaining momentum with each passing year, and with regard to the development of modern medicine the number of infertile women doesn’t reduce. According to the WHO statistics, every seventh couple in developed countries faces with infertility diagnosis. Surrogate motherhood and egg donation have already become the only way for such families to have own child.
Center for human reproduction BioTexCom welcomes couples from all over Europe and conduct successful programs using assisted methods of reproductive medicine. Ukrainian legislation is one of the most loyal in this field. Ukrainian law allows conduction of commercial surrogacy, egg donation, and there is no age limit for those ones who want to use IVF. Couples from around the world conduct medical programs in Ukraine and successfully come back home with legal documents, not violating nor Ukrainian law no legislation of own countries.
Every year number of patients who want to undergo IVF procedure, surrogacy or egg donation in Ukraine has been increasing. These programs are rather popular among older people, 48-68 years of age. These are families who want to have common children in the 2d, 3d marriage.
Italian, French, German, Spain infertile couples of different age go to BioTexCom center in order to use IVF in Ukraine. In most European countries surrogacy and donation are banned. As of Ukraine, ART cost is not so expensive for foreigners; there is a good service and friendly laws.
BioTexCom Medical Center was founded in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, for foreign patients’ special benefit. Managers and interpreters who work in BioTexCom are fluent in German, English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Hebrew, Chinese and Arabic. Client managers not only perfectly know foreign languages but also lived abroad. It gave them a great opportunity to explore culture, mentality and traditions of people whom they meet today in the Ukrainian clinic.