Giving birth at 70 years old, unreasonable assisted reproductive technology!
Daljinder Kaur, a 70-year old Indian woman, has just given birth to her first child who was conceived in-vitro by IVF with egg donation from a fertility clinic.
The mother purportedly declared: « When we saw the IVF advert, we thought we should also give it a try as I badly wanted to have a baby».
This is the country’s second case of pregnancy to a mother at a very advanced age; in 2008 a 72-year old woman in the State of Uttar Pradesh gave birth to twins following IVF.
In countries where there are no limits for having recourse to ART, a “procreative tourism” is developing and a form of “right to a child”, even for postmenopausal women. Last year, a 65-year old German woman gave birth to very premature quadruplets, conceived by IVF with donor gametes in the Ukrainian clinic BioTexCom. Besides the health risks for the mother as well as for the baby that are associated with late age pregnancy, such practices raise questions about the lack of concern for the child’s interest, born from a donor to an elderly couple thus resulting in the substantial likelihood of becoming an orphan at an early age.