Incredible Facts!
Today, obstetricians-gynecologists assure that they know about pregnancy almost everything, and sometimes even more. Some of such doctors even argue that there are no more mysteries in this area for them. But we can say that they are mistaken. Even today, there are a lot of incredible cases concerning pregnancy and childbirth. Here are some of them:
- inIndia, the day of baby’s conception is considered to be his birthday. And inKorea, nine months during which mother bears a child, are set off in his age. Therefore, Koreans, according to the documents, a year more than their age mates in other countries;
- inAustralia, the largest number of born children are considered with the help of IVF procedure;
- amniotic fluid of pregnant women contains the same amount of salt as the water of the ocean;
- only 10% of babies are born exactly at the appointed time, the majority of children are born either prematurely or a little late for a meeting with parents;
- it is considered that kids who are conceived in autumn or winter are highly intelligent;
- often, twins are born in families that had similar cases in previous generations. Earlier, about 3% of mothers gave birth to twins. Today, this figure has increased significantly, up to 60%, due to the development and popularization of IVF;
- resident ofGreat Britaincan be called as a mother – heroine! She gave birth 38 times, and now her family consists of 32 girls and 7 boys;
- Russian peasant woman gave birth to 69 children, from 1725 to 1765, she gave birth 27 times and presented her husband 16 twins, 7 triplets, and 4 times 4 twin;
- record in medical history: a child of aFloridaresident, was held in womb only 22 weeks. Writing out of the hospital, the girl weighed285 grams, and its growth was76 centimeters, the baby was a little longer than a standard ballpoint pen. However, modern medicine has allowed this child to survive and successfully develop;
- baby – hero was born inIndonesia: the newborn boy weighed about9 kg, and its growth was over60 centimeters. Kid – hero differed from his age mates by a great appetite and sonorous cry. Doctors explain that the boy had such abnormal size due to the fact that his mother had diabetes, and because of increased level of glucose in the blood development of the fetus also increased;
- but, the biggest baby was born in1955 inan Italian family. At birth, he weighed10.2 kilograms, and its growth was76 centimeters;
It is worth noting that today, science and medicine have reached an incredible level of development, and therefore the present-day mothers should not be afraid of challenges concerning pregnancy and child birth. To date,Ukrainehas three active perinatal centers, which are equipped with a special medical equipment of the latest technologies. With the help of such centers, even the most hopeless kids that are born much earlier period have a great chance to survive. Therefore, no matter what, in any case, feel free to make up your minds on an idea to have children. Because in case of the slightest deviation modern medicine and professional team will always help you in difficult situations.