Letter of happy our clients
Dear Svitlana and Konstantin,
Again the greatest and biggest thank you for all your help during these last weeks in our struggle to get to Kyiv. You have all been amazing and we can´t thank you enough! Finally we are in Kyiv, and we are happy to share our experience with other IP´s that are struggeling to get here. Our friends Anneli and Navid, who are also expecting a child via surrogate, appeared last Sunday in Swedish national news to talk about the difficulties to get to Kyiv. An anonymous person saw the interview and decided to sponsor (!!) a trip with a private airline! We lack words and are eternally grateful to them! 🙏💕
However, it was easier said than done to get all the permits in place, for about a week it took a game of cat and mouse with the Ukrainian authorities. But with the help of some fantastic people both in Sweden and Ukraine (amongst them Svitlana and Konstantin 💕) this Monday we finally got the permission and flew to Kyiv.
At Boryspil the staff was all covered in protective clothing and they took our temperature before we were allowed to exit the airplane. We were not allowed to take a taxi or to get Biotexcom to arrange our transport, only transport provided by the government was allowed. We were well taken care of whilst waiting a good 2 hours for the transportation, which was like a big public bus – just for the five of us (four adults + a one year old)! It felt safe not having to sit in a crowded bus, concidering the risk of infection. However, we don´t know where they found the driver… Accoarding to Google Maps the ride to the hotel should have been 45 minutes, and sicnce this was late in the eventing there was not that much traffic. But the driver could not find the way, he made constant stops asking people for directions and it took us over 3 hours to get to the hotel. But we finally arrived, tired but happy!
We have now begun our 14-day quarantine, staying at a hotel approved for observation by the Ukranian authorities. We are not allowed to leave the room, but thankfully we have a balcony and a really peacful view. The hotel delivers food to the room three times a day, it´s not the food we are used to but it is what it is. We also have to take our temperature every morning and evening and report to the hotel.
Our twins are thankfully still not born, we are now in week 35 + 5 and hope we have time to clear the quarantine before the Caesarean section, there is a chance :-) These last weeks have been really stressful and our energy is low. We will take these 14 days to rest and sleep so that our energy is back when we meet our precious boy and girl for the first time ! 💝
We are attaching pictures from the bus and from the hotelroom.
Kind regards Maria And Andreas