Pregnancy after 60 is not a myth, but a reality!
“Society is getting older. Therefore, women over 50 must also be able to bear children”, – a quote from the Swiss source Blick after the sensational case of an older Swiss woman.
Today we will debunk the myth of late pregnancy. We will show you the most interesting cases of late pregnancy that shook the public on the example of Germany and Switzerland:
- Case number one: an elderly woman from Germany who gave birth at 66
A German woman gave birth at 66 with the help of egg and sperm donation in a Ukrainian clinic. She chose her egg and sperm donors from the database of the Biotexcom clinic and says that her child is very beautiful. Right away her first attempt was successful. This German woman already had two sons, but after the death of her husband, she wanted another child. In the UK, she was denied treatment due to her age.
You can read this history in more detail here:

- The story of a Swiss pastor
A retired pastor from Switzerland made a non-standard decision to become a mother at 66. She gave birth to twins – two boys, whom she gave biblical names. The woman lives in an idyllic place, in the mountains in the commune of Grüche. The 1,300,000 residents are proud of their mountain railway, old historical buildings, and a new record – the oldest mother in Switzerland lives in their commune. The Biotexcom clinic made the dream of motherhood come true for her. Initially, the woman wanted to hire a surrogate mother, but since she was lonely and healthy enough, she chose a guaranteed package with donor eggs and sperm. The first attempt failed, but the second was successful and at the end of June 2011 she became pregnant.
The doctor at the Biotexcom clinic, who treated the patient and gave an interview to a Swiss newspaper, admitted that the woman was one of his oldest patients, but he had no doubts because all women have the right to get pregnant.
Swiss sources about the case:
- Annegret Rauning with quadruplets
A 65-year-old teacher of Russian and English from Germany gave birth to quadruplets (3 boys and a girl) thanks to a Ukrainian clinic. The woman, hiding the information about having 13 children already, used the services of the Biotexcom clinic, namely, egg and sperm donation.
Also, Annegret Rauning refused to reduce embryos. After sending an ultrasound scan with four embryos, according to the contract she was asked to manage the risks of multifetal pregnancy, but the woman decided to leave the quadruplets. The pregnancy was not easy and she was constantly under the supervision of the most famous clinic in Berlin, Charite.
The woman was accompanied by the German channel RTL after the birth of her children https://www.rtl.de/cms/annegret-raunigk-im-exklusiv-interview-birgit-schrowange-trifft-die-65-jaehrige-die-vierlinge-erwartet-2320233 .html , she also participated in various German TV shows. She is not afraid to openly talk about her motherhood and considers it her vocation. She was mentioned in all media in Germany and around the world.
There is even an article about the woman on Wikipedia. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annegret_Raunigk
She is considered the oldest mum of quadruplets in the world.