Surrogacy is a new form of exploitation of women
Surrogacy does not constitute any progress or social achievement. On the contrary, it is a new form of exploitation of women and trafficking that turns children into commercial products. It is a flagrant violation of the dignity of both mother and child.
Surrogacy is presented as another form of assisted reproduction as an altruistic treatment to overcome infertility and help couples who can not have children by giving them the opportunity to realize the dream of parenthood. But the reality is quite different.
Up to six people can claim the paternity of every baby born to a surrogate: the genetic or biological mother (egg donor), the pregnant mother (surrogate), the woman who has commissioned the baby, the genetic father (sperm donor), the husband of the pregnant mother (who has the presumption of paternity), and the man who commissioned the baby.
This, apart from being the source of more than probable legal disputes, prevents the child knowing his origin and identity, contrary to what is established in Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Moreover, surrogacy contracts are undoubtedly a way of exploitation of women who sell or rent their bodies for money, or some kind of compensation. States that expressly allowed surrogacy in their legal system are the United States, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan.
While in Europe, surrogacy is banned in most countries, this is a booming business in a number of countries around the world where agencies profit at the expense of the suffering of the infertile couples and the vulnerability of women in disadvantaged situations, in order to develop a whole business of selection and quality control of women and prospective babies.