Thailand – surrogacy Mecca is closed
As a result of major scandals with participation of Thai surrogate mothers and attended parents local government has passed a new law banning surrogacy in Thailand.
Such a loyal and user-friendly Thai law was changed for criminal liability for surrogacy conduction. Now surrogate mothers and foreigners who want to carry on this procedure with financial compensation will answer for their actions in court.
Not so long ago Thailand was one of the most popular medical destination attracting thousands of childless foreigners. Low price for the surrogacy program, loyal laws concerning assisted methords of reproduction, possibility to use services of local surogate mothers for non-traditional couples and singles – all these factors actively promoted surrogacy tourism in Thailand.
In recent years Thailand shuddered world public with scandals, the main participants of which were foreign couples and Thai surrogate mothers.
The last scandal case got a great response. Australian couple abandoned their biological baby born of a surrogate mother because he had Down syndrome, leaving the baby in Thailand.
After that government has revised laws on surrogacy and now this procedure is allowed only if both spouses are citizens of Thailand, or at least the nationality of the country has one of them. In addition, under the new law surrogate mother must be Thai citizen and over 25.
Thailand is not the only place where surrogacy could be done. There are alternatives of course. For example, Ukraine also can make boast of friendly legislation that permits surrogacy and egg donation programs. The only minus is that only heterosexual couples who formalized their relationships can use services of surrogate mother. Ukraine offers reasonable prices, good service, and high success rates of ART programs, worthy base of donors and surrogate mothers. Line of patients to start the program can become a certain drawback in Ukrainian clinics. Since Ukraine has already gained medical trust of European residents, centers of reproductive medicine have to queue up patients. After all, selection of donors, surrogate mothers and other medical processes take a certain time. Now, after Thailand has left the ART market Ukraine has been preparing to accept greater number of infertile patients. Chief Doctor of BioTexCom medical center notes – “We welcome a lot of infertile patients from different countries all over the world, and this number has been growing from year to year. Our clinic also does not stand still. We develop and expand in order to take a large number of patients adequately and provide them with qualitative service. Now we open additional laboratories, expanding clinic’s territory, as well as increase staff of client managers, interpreters and medical workers “.