The real numbers of Infertility In USA
22 of January 2014 was published the information about long term investigation of infertility in USA. The report was prepared by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention – one of the US divisions which had a name Infertility Service Use in the United States: Data From the National Survey of Family Growth, 1982–2010.
The total number of people applied for help to conceive a child for 15 years, declined slightly more than a million. But at the same time US population has increased from 263,2 million people in 1995 to 308,7 million people in 2010, on 17,3%. That is encouraging, and the dynamics of references percentage gives a very serious decline from 16,03% from all population to 13,25%.
The number of people who seeking for the treatment for infertility at the age of 25-29 years increase on 1,5%. After all, sooner woman and man seeking for help more chances of success they have. American citizens start to worry about their fertility health from young age. By the way this a fact confirmed by reducing the amount applied for the treatment of primary infertility in 30-39 years.
But if we have good news about primary infertility secondary infertility is right opposite. American men and women more often delay with having second and next children. For that period the number the number of people who applied at the age of 30-34 years has declined and at aged 40-44 years increased on 2.24%. Until the publication of this information, we did not have actual statistics by the number of infertile with reference to statistics of IVF – not in USA or anywhere in the world. Nowadays, we can look at the actual numbers applied for by the method of artificial insemination in America. In 2010 40,912 million people has asked for help in infertility treatment. 146 693 is the number of IVF cycle started in 2010.
So in total we can see in 2010 in USA there were about 3,59 IVF cycle from 1000 people who ask for the treatment. It’s mean complex forms of infertility treatment do not occur very often as we could think but also medicine and the law should be adjusted according to the general trend – the birth of the second, third child after age of 40.
In Mexico in Tabasco State in the process of opening the Clinic of Reproductive Medicine they have loyal laws, simplified registration procedure for the child, soft relation to the age of the mother and prices which aloud American citizen use the service.