United Kingdom: the number of frozen eggs has tripled in five year
According to a report by the HFEA, the number of women freezing their eggs has tripled in five years. In 2014, 816 women used this technique in an attempt to preserve their fertility and have a child later in life.
The HFEA has listed several reasons behind the freezing of eggs:
· “The lack of partner is the main reason”: it affects two-thirds of women under the age of 37 who choose this approach, and increases with age,
· Medical treatment, which may affect fertility,
· The feeling of not being ready for motherhood whilst being mindful of decreasing fertility,
· A desire to delay pregnancy for professional reasons (the freezing of eggs has become very popular with working women at key moments in their career. Moreover, companies such as Apple and Facebook offer this option to employees as a career incentive).
· The risk of injury or death (especially in the case of members of the armed forces about to be deployed),
· Sex change.
Since 2001, 3,676 women have frozen their eggs according to figures published by the HFEA. Contrastingly, only 60 babies have been born. As far as President of this organisation, Sally Cheshire, is concerned, “The figures portray a very clear message”: “whereas there has been a big increase in ‘social’ egg freezing, the number of frozen eggs actually used in treatment is still extremely low”. “It is important that women do not see freezing as a guarantee for future pregnancy,”she added.