What should we feel about donor eggs?
Some people have an option to choose donor egg or use their own, some people have to use donors by medical reasons. But the question – how we should feel about donors egg bothers women in both cases, because the child will get genetic set from the donor. This is why million women in the world have concerns about egg donation or refuse to use it at all. So let’s try to deal with this question.
Yes, child is not going to get your set of genes. This is something what you will have to take for granted. But instead there are a lot of advantages. Such as:
- Genetically donor’s material is flawless because it is checked on all kind of types of abnormalities;
- Incubation periods kept necessary time (this eliminates a lot of problems which children carry through their lives, a lot of diseases in adult life are laid during the formation of the fetus).
Egg donors are healthy and young and it’s more important than you can think. For example even if woman at 45 can have perfect 8-10 follicles with eggs she have very low changes. In 2010 The Institute of Reproduction in Livingston analyzed more than 600 cycles of pregnancy. According to the results in the age of 42 chances to have a healthy child using their own egg is 34% when by using donor egg – 98%.
Some more interesting statistics on the frequency of conception and successful pregnancy:
- Probability of success using donor egg – 65% (it slightly change with recipient age);
- If you are from 29 to 59 your probability of successful conception, bear and give a birth is 55-65%;
- Using your own egg reduces the this probability on 5% every year;
- By the age of 42 your chances to get pregnant and bear your child with your own egg is about 7%.
All this is only about women who can choose – use their own egg or donor egg, but most of the patience who use donor eggs don’t have another choice ,they have indications for unconditional donation, such as lack of ovarian, “lazy ovaries” syndrome, surgery, chemotherapy, genetic hereditary diseases, menopause.