What you will have to face at child’s registration paperwork of surrogate program worldwide
As you know, international law is one of the most complicated of legal science. Every country have their own law which may seems to us funny or strange. There are a lot of jokes about American law in different states. But when you face these laws become not so funny. So let’s talk about child’s registration, who was born by surrogate mother, paperwork in different countries of the world.
America has absolute right and in the judicial system there is no value higher than a US citizen. Everyone knows about it, but not everyone knows what it is means.
If you will have any issues American law will always support surrogate mother, sometimes it can be about time for recovery and extract, and sometimes it can be even claiming right for the baby. Surrogate mother has all rights for the baby and you should remember this.
Surrogate mothers in Russia the same like in America have rights for the baby but only till she sigh a renouncement. So very often surrogate mothers going to the court just to get money of the parents.
Surrogate mothers in Ukraine have no rights on the child.
Speaking metaphorically, this service equal to the lease. As a rule, parent of the child is indicated by the biological father who provided the sperm. That’s why for the program of surrogate motherhood in Ukraine can go only married couples. And for the same reason Ukraine do not cooperate with homosexual couples. Mother will be register as a parent if her egg been used instead of donors.
List of documents for the the registry office:
– a statement of the spouses parents;
– birth certificate;
– a notarized statement of agreement of a surrogate mother to record the spouses parents of the baby;
– Information about the genetic relationship of the child’s father;
– Parent’s passports;
– Parent’s marriage certificate;
Register office is not allowed to ask for:
– the contract between the genetic parents and the surrogate mother (it’s a confidential document);
– surrogate mother’s presence while child registration;
– appeals to the guardianship.
According to Article 11, Chapter 1, Section II «Rules of state registration of civil status in Ukraine”.
Registration of the child in other countries will be discussed in the next article.