Surrogate motherhood in different countries
Surrogate program in every country affected by the local law and different factors this is why we can see difference cost conditions and waiting time. For a start, let’s divide countries into those where the law governs all aspects surrogacy, and those where it is partially legalized.
Countries where surrogate motherhood is fully legal: USA, Ukraine, India, Mexico
Waiting time for the first try is about 9 month. American law is very strict, but too loyal to the surrogate mothers. For example, surrogate mother during pregnancy has the right to demand anything from the future parents, and often it can grow into blackmail. It doesn’t stop even after a child birth, because by American law surrogate mother is allowed to keep in contact with the child. This is one of common reasons why people don’t choose America for surrogate program plus cost is the highest in the world – around $150000. All costs have to be paid by parents (cesarean section, the cost of treatment rehabilitation, accommodation and food for surrogate mother). Because of all this reasons only celebrities and people with high income can use surrogate program in USA.
Ukraine Is a country with optimally balanced legislation. Relationship to the child is determined by the father of the child. According to the same principle executed documents to the baby. The cost of surrogate motherhood EUR 30 000, the price unlike in the US include the risks (including caesarean), food, accommodation, transportation, translator, and so on. The procedure for registration of a child is very simple: for most of the cases, passport for the child is given in Ukraine, in some cases it is necessary to draw up documents in their own country. The queue moves quickly due to a good mix of “supply and demand” – the average wait time varies from 1 month to six months.
No one talk about price of surrogate motherhood in India, but the average cost is $50 000. Child registration is very easy procedure. One of significant disadvantage we can call surrogate mother low sanitary level of life.
Mexico are going to become new “Mecca” of surrogate motherhood for American. Compare to those in USA, Mexico have softer laws – in the priority of paternity, after leaving the hospital, the surrogate mother writes refusal on the child, the law prohibited their further cooperation. The cost of $80,000, taking into account the risks, transfer, food and residence.
Countries where surrogacy is partially legally: Italy, Greece, Russia, Georgia
We can combine all these countries into one group as the queue in these countries vary from the same factor. Even if find mother quickly, everything goes well, your adventure can only begin. The procedure of registration of documents on the child may be delayed for months. The circumstances are complicated by the fact the parents have stay in the country all the time. In addition your child has already been born. And all you want is to be with him at home, but you have to stay in a foreign country, to go to institutions, spending nerves, time and money.
Any way this choice is only yours! So count, analyze, become a parents!