Problem of infertility
The World Health Organization defines infertility as follows: “Infertility is the inability to conceive a child. A couple may be considered infertile if, after two years of regular sexual intercourse, without contraception, the woman has not become pregnant. Primary infertility is infertility in a couple who have never had a child. Secondary infertility is failure to conceive following a previous pregnancy. Infertility may be caused by a great number of reasons concerning both man and woman, but there are also cases when there is no obvious underlying cause”.
Generally, it is considered if a couple that if, during one year, with regular sexual intercourse without contraceptives using, woman can not get pregnant – diagnosis is infertility. Some years ago, married couples who have faced such problem were the despair of it. And they thought that anything can be done in such case. But today, clinic of reproductive medicine confidently says, “No! There is no absolute infertility! “. From day to day, medicine and science rapidly develop. As a result, it become possible to solve problems of infertility and make dream of becoming happy parents come true.
Surrogacy procedure is one of appropriate solutions in cases when couple can not deliver a baby in natural way due to any reasons. Right chosen surrogate mother will bear you a healthy child who will have genes of genetic parents as all their materials (cells) are transferred to surrogate mother.
Clinic of reproductive medicine BioTexCom offers all who have faced the problem of infertility official procedure of surrogacy. An important fact in this issue is an absolute legality of clinic’s activity. We have a database of surrogate mothers who previously were selected according to all needed requirements and standards. It means that choosing a woman who will bear your child in our database you will surely have a healthy surrogate mother who is able to carry and deliver you a healthy child without any problems and negative consequences.
Some history
The history of surrogate motherhood goes back to biblical times. In fact, some people say it dates back to Sarah and Abraham. Certain people say that it started even before them, and that it is only recorded about Abraham because he was written about in the Bible. In many countries, surrogacy has been around since before records. It is considered that American Indians were the first ones to truly begin the surrogate mother history in this part of the world. If an Indian woman was found to be infertile, then her husband would go to the chief of his tribe and ask for help. He would then be sent to see the medicine man, who would give the wife certain herbal medicines. After after that doctor said nothing could be done to help a woman, her husband would go to see the chief. He would be allowed to take another woman and make her pregnant, hopefully, so that he would be able to father a son to carry on his tribe. The barren wife would have no relations with the child. He would stay with his birth mother.
The American Indians were not the only civilization to use surrogate mothers to carry on the family name and bloodline. Back in recent European history it has been heard of, especially inSpainfor kings to take in several surrogate mothers until he was born a son. The surrogate mother of the child would then become nanny to all of the royal children. The children would believe themselves to be genetically related to the king and queen. No one knowing the truth. Obviously, things like this were kept secret, because if not, questions would be asked about their right to the throne.
Nowadays, we are lucky that due to technological breakthroughs in this field woman can feel safe in the knowledge that even though another woman is carrying her child, her husband or partner has had no physical relations with the surrogate mother. Such things have, in the past, caused battles and feuds between the people involved and it is quite understandable. The technological solution has saved an awful lot of heartache for many families.
Today surrogacy is very popular and effective method for infertile couples. More than 4.5 million couples experience infertility each year. There have been millions upon millions of couples that have had to cope with infertility throughout the ages. BioTexCom clinic offers safety, legal and successful way to have an own child after numerous unfortunate attempts to become pregnant.
Knowledge Is Power!
Queen Mary of England, daughter of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon, said, “Knowledge is foremost a power.” This was a personal philosophy that can be seen through many trials in her life and tribulations, including infertility. Mary inherited the throne despite furious opposition concerning a female ruler. One of her most important goals was to have a child to secure her line. The years ticked by slowly and agonizingly for Mary “the Barren Queen” ofEngland. Though she convinced herself she was pregnant, once suffering from a phantom pregnancy wherein she gained the requisite weight, stopped menstruating, and suffered with morning sickness, she never truly obtained her goal. Mary knew, however, that there was more than one way for her to be fruitful in life. She filled her time reading and learning all she could about medical treatments and her religion. Mary set an example that all infertility patients could learn from: Though your body may be barren your mind is not!
Infertility Today
Infertility is a great problem of the modern technocratic society in which the marriage age and childbearing is shifted upwards due to the liberalization of sexual relations, duration of studying process, complexities of the material and professional development. According to experts, the demographic situation in developed countries is rather disappointing: a low birth rate and population’s senescence can lead to the nation’s degeneration. It’s not surprisingly that medical scientific researches of recent decades are increasingly focused on the development of assisted reproductive technologies. From day to day, medicine and science rapidly develop. Sometimes this development moves even faster than we can keep track of various innovations and incredible researches. And if today you are faced with a female, male infertility – do not despair! Combining years of experience in vitro fertilization medicine, modern technologies and developments of latest scientific researches, our experts will help everyone who has faced some difficulties in conceiving a child. BioTexCom clinic provides its patients a full range of services: starting from various medical testing and diagnosis and ending with IVF, ICSI procedures and surrogacy. We guarantee you the highest level of medical care, legal and psychological support, and, of course, a positive result, in particular, birth of so long-awaited baby! Our main task, on which we work from day to day, is to create a complete comfort for patients who choose just our medical center. Directing all our efforts and skills to achieve a desired result, BioTexCom clinic reaches the highest fertility rate. Team of professionals choose and develop each couple an individual treatment plan, taking into account the smallest details and features of the patients, provides all necessary services, both for Ukrainian and foreign couples who have chosen us.
Choosing our medical institution you will come to hands of attentive, and what is the most important, professional doctors who are members of the European medical community. Thanks to the longstanding practice, use of modern technologies and dedication to profession, our physicians are ready to deal with even the most difficult and hopeless cases of infertility.
The whole worlds trust us! Residents of European countries where surrogacy is illegal procedure go to our clinic where this process is absolutely legalized. All those who use help of BioTexCom center, easily make a right choice and are satisfied with positive result. Because we are clinic which is famous for the high quality of medical services, as well as appropriate pricing and adequate legal assistance. Do you want to become happy parents? If your answer is yes get acquainted with BioTexCom clinic of reproductive medicine! Taking a closer look – you will see that you have all reasons to entrust us.